Did someone say pancakes?

Did someone say pancakes?

Pet Business thrive on themes, whether this be valentines or pancake Tuesday! Capitalise on these and have a little fun.

Pancake Tuesday is a great opportunity to impress your owners and your dogs will love you for it.

Here is a simple and delicious recipe your pack will love;


  • 50g plain flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 banana
  • 100 ml water
  • Optional: toppings like xylitol-free peanut butter


1. Add all the ingredients to the bowl and whisk, if this is tough with the banana add it to a blender and blend.

2. Pour the mixture into a jug

3. Heat a frying pan to a medium temperature

4. Pour the content into the pan

5. To make it a little special, use a cookie cutter in the shape of a bone or use it to create a design. Don’t forget your dogs will still love the offcuts.