How to find the perfect employee

How to find the perfect employee

Finding reliable and trustworthy employees can be the hardest part of being a small business owner. In the pet industry, it is important you have staff on hand at all times to allow a seamless and safe service. So, how do you find the perfect employee?

Using recruitment websites can be useful however as we work in quite a niche field, it can be like searching through a needle in a haystack for the perfect employee. On most occasions, your best recruits will be individuals who have taken the time to contact you. Keep a database of these candidates who you can call upon should a position become available.

Social media is another great way to find employees. Generally anyone who follows your accounts will be pet enthusiasts and will have an understanding of your business. This being said, not all great employees will have previous experience. Some of the best employees will actually have had no experience of the pet industry but will be enthusiastic and excited to learn.

When choosing the perfect employee, it is important to take your current team into consideration. Will your new employee compliment your team and will they create harmony in the workplace. Charisma is something that is hard to find however if you do, you could have star in the making.