The perfect daycare layout

The perfect daycare layout

Opening a daycare can be overwhelming, trust me I know. There are so many consideration and this is before you even decide how your centre with be laid out. As small business owners it’s important we continuously look to the future and visualise where we see our business in the coming months and years. This allows us to not only visualise but to make decisions that could save us time and money in the future.

Where are you going and how will you get there?

This is something I still like to refer back to. I like to check in and make sure I am on target for my goals and my journey to those goals. Here are just a few things to consider as a daycare owner when planning your daycare setting;

  • What size of dogs will you accept; large, small, medium, all of the above
  • How many dogs can your space hold safely at maximum capacity
  • How many handlers will you have at maximum capacity
  • Will you offer overnight boarding
  • Does you centre allow this vision to change in the future

When designing a daycare space, it’s important to consider the above. This will allow you to design a facility that will grow with you, without having to spend additional funds. Pet Concept has designed unique daycare and kennel furniture that is modular and mobile, to allow you to change your play areas and space as you wish. This means you can change your play space to suit your pack as often as you wish.