Burnout, it’s real!

Burnout, it’s real!

Hey folks,

I want to talk about something serious…it’s called burnout and it’s very real!

I am sure most of you have heard the term and a handful of you may have even experienced it. As small business owner’s burnout can be looming around every corner if you aren’t careful and can only be described as complete emotional, mental and physical exhaustion and once you have it, you will know!

I am speaking from experience, and it isn’t something I would recommend.

As I sit writing this, in my office, after working for 24 consecutive days, I know it’s time to take a break. Being a business owner often feels like we have to do it all and have all the answer. Let me tell you, this is not the case. Yes, we will inevitably try but it’s not a sustainable way to run a business and will only end one way.

Too often it can be perceived that to be successful, we should be able to take the world on our shoulders, with a smile on our faces. However, we don’t and it should not be glamourised or admired. If anything, it should be discouraged, and we should be able to dig deep into our toolbox and find better methods to help reduce our overall stresses.

So, how do we arrive at burnout?

Working too many hours, juggling too many balls, and generally spreading ourselves too thin are all things that if continued for too long will eventually lead to burnout.

How do we stop it?

In one word, delegation.

Finding a strong team who can support you is one sure way to prevent burnout. Finding a team means finding people who can support your journey and lighten the load. If you are employee, manager, HR, accountant and administrator, you are doing too much! I know, I hear you…easier said than done.

Yes, it is far easier said, but it is possible. At the beginning of our self-employed journey, we expect to work longer hours and wear numerous different hats however as you begin to grow, delegation becomes a necessity.

How do I find a strong team?

Finding a strong team can be one of the trickiest tasks when it comes to running a business. In my experience I have found the best option is to firstly identify the tasks I can’t do or that are not of my expertise. These tasks can then be outsourced.

One person can’t be excellent at everything which is why it’s important to hire people for their strengths. As a business owner you should be the one bringing new ideas to the table and implementing new strategies to help create a successful business. Moral of the story, know your strengths.

Admitting you need help isn’t a weakness, in fact it is a strength and will set you up for success.

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