Covid-19 and your business

Covid-19 and your business

Any business owner will agree, COVID-19 has been tough for their business and has brought its challenges, perhaps good and bad. The pet industry is one area that is 9/10 times recession proof and you may actually come out stronger. 

Although many people are currently working from home and no longer travelling to offices there is still a demand for daycare. Kennels on the other hand may be having to work a little harder. 

The one benefit we have seen from the pandemic is how dog owners are now educating themselves on what it means for their dog being with their owner 24/7. Many will have noticed an increase in separation anxiety and less opportunity to socialise their dogs with new people and dogs due to the current restrictions. 

This is where daycare can help and should be a easy sell. Daycare is so important for a number of reasons – 

  • It can build a dogs confidence around other dogs
  • It can allow time for separation from their owner
  • It allows for training with a pack or perhaps one to one, depending on the service your daycare allows
  • It creates structure for the dogs
  • It allows them to burn off steam in a secure environment 
  • It allows them to be off leash 
  • It allows them to socialise with people out with their household 

These are just a few of the benefits that come from daycare. With an increase in puppies, it is even more important to start daycare young to prevent these unwanted behaviours. 

Covid-19 has seen business come and go however we truly believe this is an essential service and should be sold to anyone who will listen. Word of mouth is an excellent way to increase your customer base and should be rewarded. Always reward your current customers, it’s not only new customers who should be rewarded.